Now that you have identified your values and thought about how you feel when you live them, let’s look at times when you don’t.
Not living your values causes an inner conflict that can negatively impact your wellbeing. This disconnection from personal values can create feelings of guilt, frustration, and a sense of being inauthentic.
When you look at times you haven’t lived your values, you may be able to identify themes and notice situations or individuals that make living your values difficult. Certain environments might put external pressures or expectations on you that push you away from your values. Similarly, relationships with people whose values clash with your own can pose significant challenges. Striking a balance between living your values and external influences is a delicate act because of the fear of judgement or rejection.
In work, the pursuit of success might lead you to compromise your values for the sake of advancement. Likewise, societal norms and cultural expectations can be a strong influence, making it hard for you to live your values authentically. Navigating these complex dynamics requires deep self-awareness and the courage to confront societal norms that may run counter to your personal beliefs.
By acknowledging the situations or people that make it difficult for you to live your values, you can develop a sense of self-awareness that allows for intentional decision-making and gives you a sense of empowerment to live authentically even in the face of external pressures.
Use the worksheet to help you identify where you are not living your values.
- What insights did I gain from this topic or exercise?
- Does my relationship make it easier or harder to live my values?