Lesson Objectives
- Understand the importance of getting clarity on practical issues
- Understand how to gain clarity around legal and financial options
You have spent the past couple of lessons focusing on yourself to gain a better understanding of who you are so that you can recognise how you are impacting your relationship and how your relationship is impacting you. In the subsequent lessons, we are going to really start to build on understanding what we need from our relationship and if those needs are being met.
In this lesson, let’s take a break from that and instead look at some of the more practical issues we face when we are deciding whether to stay in or leave a relationship. Often, people don’t have clarity on what the process is or what their options are if they were to leave their marriage. Many people have concerns over whether they will be able to cope financially, what their rights are, etc.
The reason we are approaching this now is because, by the end of the course, you want to feel in an empowered position where you feel confident enough to make the right decision for you. To do that, you need to have clarity on your legal and financial position. This lesson will not provide legal or financial advice, but it will help you to consider your unique situation and think about what information or advice you need to give you clarity before you go and get it.
It is quite common to feel a little concerned that if you start to better understand your legal and financial options, you will be pushed in the direction of leaving your relationship. However, if this lack of clarity is making you feel trapped in your relationship, a better understanding of your situation can have the reverse effect: it can make you feel more comfortable about remaining in your relationship, as it is now a choice.
Think back to the topic on Control where we looked at the importance of making conscious choices that allow you to take back control. Clarity will make you feel empowered to make the right decision for you.